The GMT is White’s answer to the great American gold rush! With automatic ground balancing and an easy-to-read meter, this metal detector doesn’t waste your time with intricate settings. Instead it puts the best gold hunting tools in your hands, ready to go! The most exciting aspect of White’s GMT is that it is driven by an advanced microprocessor that will ignore all of the harsh ground minerals found in gold-bearing areas. The Goldmaster GMT was created for affordability and success in the most exciting aspect of metal detecting - gold prospecting!
The White’s GMT metal detector is White’s “Goldmaster” – used in goldfields around the world! This detector ignores the harsh ground found in gold-bearing areas to simplify prospecting and find nuggets large and small, and coins, too. The White’s GMT metal detector is made for gold country, with 48 KHz operating frequency (the best for gold) and a waterproof search coil that’s ready for streams and rivers. High-end features like the iron target analyzer make hunting easier. Manual controls are available for advanced users, and each option includes a recommended initial setting. Also onboard: variable self-adjusting threshold, Grab Push Pad for setting ground balance instantly, automatic ground balance, and “Follow the Paystreak” feature, which displays the amount of magnetic minerals in the ground..
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