Teknetics T2 Special Edition features the NEW "Boost Mode" (Goes DEEPER!), NEW "Cache Hunting Mode", NEW Black paint, NEW "Digital Shielding Technolgy (DST)" and more! The sheer power of the new boost mode is unbelievable! While the T2 goes to extraordinary depths, the new T2Ltd redefines deep again. The technological advance of Digital Shielding Technolgy permits the use of maximum sensitivity settings with minimum background noise. This noise reduction reduces user fatigue and enhances the detecting experience.
Already a premier detector, renowned for its target separation capability and performance in iron laden sites, the T2Ltd just might be the deepest seeking detector ever. It has pulled targets from unbelievable depths, in areas already spanked by just about every detector, including the heaviest most expensive multi-frequency models. The T2Ltd finds targets that other detectors can’t touch! Combining this light weight detector’s lightning speed with new extreme depth makes the T2 the best detector ever made. It will out-hunt any other detector. .
with 11" and 5" DD Search Coil Plus FREE Metal Detecting & Treasure Hunting Accessories