The Garrett CSI Pro is an all-terrain detector designed for long searches in any environment. Features Graphic Target Analyzer, High-Res Iron Discrimination, Pro Audio, Digital Target ID and a Continuous Depth Indicator, the Garrett CSI Pro’s waterproof housing protects it from dust, dirt, and rain and is fully submersible up to 10 feet. With a 15 kHz frequency, the CSI Pro has superior detection of small targets as well as gold, brass, lead and more. The CSI Pro is indispensable to any crime scene tool kit.
The CSI Pro is the workhorse of ground search metal detectors. Completely rugged, the CSI Pro is weatherproof against all environments and waterproof up to 10 feet. Using adjustable levels of its Iron Audio, this detector can discriminate between trash and good targets, and uses proportional audio and Tone Roll Audio features to allow the user to hear subtle changes in a target’s response to better judge conductivity, size, shape, and depth.
Garret Detectors in Dubai